Kumaripex 2010 – 9 July 2010
Hi! Here is a new special cover released by Tamil Nadu Circle. Mr Sreejesh Krishnan from Trivandrum has sent info about this cover. It was issued on Kamaraj with the message of Education to all on the occasion of KUMARIPEX 2010 - Numismatic Exhibition arranged by Kanyakumari District Philatelic & Numismatic Association, Nagercoil on 09-07-2010. A special cover on Queen’s Baton Relay was issued at Lucknow recently. Mr Ashwani Dubey of Gorakhpur has sent some pics of the cover release ceremony. My thanks to Mr Krishnan and Mr Dubey for today’s Post…. This is all for Today…..Till Next Post…Have a Great Time !
Special Cover Release Ceremony of Queen’s Baton Relay at Lucknow – 9 July 2010
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