Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 7, 2010

Stamps on Irish Fashion Designers

Date of Issue – 15 July 2010

Hi Here are some recent exclusive stamps from Ireland on Famous Irish Fashion Designers who are Internationally known for their exquisite designs. Six exquisite designs feature exquisite designs by the designers. The stamps are really nice on a new theme. Now stamps can be collected on fashion designs too. A novel idea for stamp collectors.

I also want to inform my readers that I may not be able to post on Blog for next few days as I will be on vacation. But I will try to update my blog with new info… whenever I get time… My thanks to Mr Prashant Pandya for Today’s Post… This is all for this Evening ….I will be back soon……Till next Post …..Have a Nice Time !

CKK strip 55c CKK strip 55c RTK strip 82c

On the 15 July 2010 An Post issued 6 new stamps on Irish Fashion Designers.

Irish Fashion Designers

Some of the best designers in the world come not from Paris, New York, London or Milan Ireland is also blessed with several of the most talented and brightest minds in international couture.

They work under their own name. They have their own labels. They hold both a national and an international reputation for the excellence of their work. They are:

Paul Costelloe

Born in Dublin, the youngest of seven children, his father ran a successful rainwear business. After working in Paris, Italy and New York, he set up his own independent fashion label in Dublin in 1979. He hit worldwide fame when Princes Diana began wearing his clothes. He shows his collections twice a year at London Fashion Week.

Louise Kennedy

Louise Kennedy has won worldwide acclaim for her exquisitely tailored suits and opulent eveningwear for women. Her name is synonymous with modern sophistication, elegant design and luxurious fabrics. In 1990, President Mary Robinson donned one of her creations for her inauguration.

Lainey Keogh

Lainey Keogh is a Dublin-based fashion designer who began knitting in1984. Her cashmere pieces for men, women and children have continued to be sought after internationally ever since supermodels Naomi Campbell and Helena Christensen wore Keogh’s designs at her groundbreaking 1997 London catwalk debut.

John Rocha

John Rocha is a Hong Kong born; Irish based designer best known for his distinctive style experimenting with fabric and technique. As well as making a name for himself as a world-class designer for both men and women, he has since expanded his portfolio to include work in interiors, architecture, crystal and jewellery.

Philip Treacy

Long before the iconic milliner studied in NCAD and The Royal College of Art, Philip Treacy started sewing aged five, after falling in love with the clothing he saw at the weddings in his village in Galway. He would go on to create the hat worn by the Duchess of Cornwall on the day of her wedding to Prince Charles in 2005. Among his many A-list followers are Sarah Jessica Parker and Lady Gaga.

Orla Kiely

Orla Kiely’s style is one immersed in colour, pattern, graphic control and texture. Born in Ireland, she is now based in London, where she graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1993. Shops bearing her name opened in London and Tokyo in 2002 after she was named Best Accessory Designer at the British Style Awards two years earlier.

RTK strip 82c

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