Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 11, 2010

New Festive Stamps from Singapore



Date of Issue 20 October 2010

 After premiering the world’s first beaded stamp in 2008, and in 2009, Singapore’s first embroidered appliqué stamp,  SingPost introduces an innovative stamp design using the holographic foil printing technique.Singapore’s rich and vibrant multicultural heritage is best reflected in the many colourful festivals celebrated throughout the year. Beautifully illustrated with traditional motifs and symbols, this set of eight festival stamps celebrates the four most important festivals in Singapore - Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Deepavali and Christmas.


Featuring the holographic foil technique, the Special Collectors’ Sheet and the 55¢ stamp have a two-dimensional effect. As the angle of view changes, the shimmering, prismatic effect creates a spectrum of changing colours exemplifying the diverse mix of cultures in Singapore.

New Stamp from India


150 Years of CAG of India

Date of Issue – 16 November 2010

Club News

Rajpex 2010

India Post , Rajasthan Circle is organising State Level Stamp Exhibition , Rajpex 2010 from 2nd to 5th Dec 2010 at Jawahar Kala Kendra , JLN Marg , opp Commerce college, Jaipur. For Dealer’s Stall   and other details about the exhibition contact  Secretary, Rajpex 2010   Tel No 0141- 2372763 and MO : 9413487632. email :

- Rajesh Pahariya, Jaipur

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