Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 3, 2011

Floral Festival…




Date of Issue – 8 March 2011

Australian floral festivals are being celebrated by Australia Post, with the release of a new stamp issue on 8 March 2011.

The five stamps in the issue feature colourful photographic depictions of popular flower species - the gerbera, jacaranda, Australian everlasting, violet and tulip.


"Australia's floral festivals are engaging events for gardening enthusiasts and local communities, and they have also become major tourist attractions.

The flowers featured in the stamp issue each represent a better known floral festival.The tulip has a long association with the Netherlands, which exports more than seven billion tulip bulbs throughout the world each year, including to Australia. This sculptural flower represents Canberra's Floriade.

Jacarandas line the streets of Grafton, so it is little wonder that the town's annual floral festival, which began in 1935, takes its name from the flower. Around 50 species of jacaranda are found throughout the world, with Jacaranda mimosifolia associated with the Grafton Jacaranda Festival.

The violet is a hardy plant that can be grown just about anywhere in Australia, with some species giving off a delightful scent. This flower was chosen to symbolise the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers, which has been running since 1949 and was established to increase economic activity after World War II.

The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show selected the gerbera as its signature flower, the brightly coloured species always a favourite with florists.


The stamp issue products for Floral Festivals Australia are a first day cover, stamp pack, set of five Maxim cards, prestige booklet, aerogramme, self-adhesive booklet of 20 x 60c stamps, self-adhesive roll of stamps and international postage-paid envelopes.


: Australia Post 

Club News

News from  Philatelic  Societies..

MAPPEX – 2011 to be held this year

Mr. S. Gauriyar, Chief Post Master General, M.P. Circle has announced that 11th M.P. State Philatelic Exhibition MAPPEX will be organized in the year 2011. He was addressing a meeting of Central India Philatelic Society held at Satna on 11th March 2011.

On the occasion of official visit of C.P.M.G. at Satna, Central India Philatelic Society had arranged a meeting on 11th March 2011. Society President Mr. Ramesh Lajpatrai started meeting by welcome speech.


Members presented following proposals-
1. A commemorative stamp should be issued on Ex Governor of Punjab / Ex Chief Minister of M.P. and Ex Central Minister Late Shri Arjun Singh who was elected Member of Parliament from Satna and died recently on 4th March 2011.

2. Last M.P. State Philatelic Exhibition MAPPEX was organized eight years ago in the year 2003. It should be organized this year so that some more collectors of M.P. may qualify for next National Philatelic Exhibition INPEX.

3. Philatelic Counter of Satna and Rewa are not getting regular supply of new stamps. It should be regularized. Chief P.M.G. Shri Gauriyar announced that next MAPPEX will be held
positively in the year 2011. He also congratulated Shri Sudhir Jain,Secretary of the Society for achieving Bronze medal in the recent World Philatelic Exhibition INDIPEX - 2011 held at New Delhi.

Shri Rajendra Agarwal 'Shashi', Joint Secretary of the Society given vote of thanks. Senior Postal and Telecommunication authorities including Shri Pradip Singh T.D.M., Shri Haidari Superintendent of Post Offices and stamp collectors were present in the meeting.


ITS Stamp News


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