Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 3, 2011

Foundation that cares heart patients…





Sir Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation,Bahamas

Hi ! Here  is a a set of stamps from Bahamas, issued to highlight Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation. There is a need of such foundations in every country which can help patients suffering from different types of heart diseases and the patients are not able to pay the high expenditure of heart surgery. This  special set  of stamps inspires many organizations and individuals to come forward and create such foundation that can help many needy people !! Such Voluntary organizations are indeed a great help  to the society in a country like India where a large mass of population is unable to meet the high cost  of  hospital services for heart diseases. This is all for today….Till Next Post….Have a Nice Time !!

A foundation that cares heart patients

The Bahamas Postal Service on February 11 issued a set of commemorative stamps to highlight the 50th anniversary of the Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation.

The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation has helped thousands of children in The Bahamas who suffer from heart disease. It has provided clinics to identify heart problems in children and when needed, the Foundation has paid for the heart surgeries that have meant a full life for many.

The Foundation was created after Sir Victor Sassoon Bart GBE died from heart complications in l961. His widow, Lady Sassoon requested that in lieu of flowers, donations were to be made to the local heart associations in his memory. After finding out from the Princess Margaret Hospital that such associations did not exist in The Bahamas, Lady Sassoon took it upon herself to create one. In addition to paying for life saving surgeries for children, the Foundation has purchased diagnostic machines and items to promote heart care for the hospital. The Sassoon Heart Foundation is an all-volunteer organisation.

As a part of fundraising efforts, the Foundation hosts the annual Heart Ball. The ball has been held every February for the past 47 years.

Sir Victor was born to a family of merchants and bankers who lived in India and England. In the l920s, Victor Sassoon moved to Shanghai, China, where he established most of his own business enterprises. War broke out in the late l930s and he was forced to flee, traveling throughout the world. After the war, Sir Victor re-established his business empire in The Bahamas, England and South America. He also dedicated himself to his passion for horse racing. He was very successful at this endeavour and his horses won the English Derby four times in eight years. He married the former Evelyn Barnes (Lady Sassoon) in l959.

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