Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 3, 2011

New Stamps on Music..



Date of Issue – 7 March 2011 

Hi ! Here are some new recent  issues on Music theme from Polish Post and Royal Mail. A nice collection for Music lovers.The stamp from Poland commemorates famous Polish Composer and set of 8 stamps from Royal Mail feature seven decades of UK stage musicals in magnificent colors . All stamps are very nice and  sure to be part of collection of Thematic collectors of Music theme.This is all for today….Till Next Post ….Have a Great Time !




Stefan Kisielewski (March 7, 1911 - September 27, 1991) was a famous Polish writer, publicist, composer and politician, and one of the members of Znak, one of the founders of the UPR, the polish libertarian and conservative political party.As a composer, Kisielewski remained firmly rooted in French neo-classicism, although his writings supported contemporary musical trends in Poland more broadly (Thomas 2001).His writing and political thought were generally marked by pragmatism and support for liberalism.



Date of Issue – 24 February 2011

Royal Mail launches stamps celebrating musical theatre

Royal Mail has launched a new set of stamps on 24 February 2011, celebrating seven decades of UK stage musicals.We Will Rock You, based on the songs of Queen, features as one of four versions of the first class stamp. It appears alongside Monty Python's Spamalot and West End classics Blood Brothers and Oliver! Me and My Girl, The Rocky Horror Show, Billy Elliot and Return to the Forbidden Planet all grace versions of the 97p stamp.

1st Class – Oliver


1st Class – Oliver

With music and lyrics by Lionel Bart, Oliver!  first appeared in the West End in 1960, and enjoyed a long run that launched the careers of several child actors. The original London production of Oliver! opened in the New Theatre (now the Noel Coward Theatre) on June 30, 1960 and ran for 2,618 performances.

1st Class – Blood Brothers

This 1983 musical by Willy Russell is one of the longest-running plays of all time, with the 1988 West End production still running after over 20 years.



1st Class – We Will Rock You


1st Class – We Will Rock You

A jukebox musical is based on the songs of Queen and named after their hit single of the same name. The show was written by Ben Elton in collaboration with Brian May and Roger Taylor. Opening in the West End in 2002 it has been extended indefinitely making it the longest running show ever at London’s Dominion theatre.

1st Class – Monty Python’s Spamalot

1st Class – Monty Python’s Spamalot

Music and lyrics by Eric Idle and John Du Prez based on the screenplay of the Pythons' film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and includes three songs from the 1975 film.  The musical tells the legendary tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and their quest for the Holy Grail and features a chorus line of dancing divas (and serfs), flatulent Frenchmen, killer rabbits and a legless knight.


97p – The Rocky Horror Show

97p – The Rocky Horror Show


Written by Richard O'Brien The Rocky Horror Show premiered at the Theatre Upstairs in June 1973, before establishing itself at the Comedy Theatre in the West End until September 1980, closing the play's initial run of 2,960 performances.


97p – Me and My Girl

97p – Me and My Girl

Me and My Girl is a musical with book and lyrics by Douglas Furber and L. Arthur Rose

and music by Noel  Gay. It takes place in the late 1930s in Hampshire, Mayfair, and Lambeth.
The musical had a successful original run on the West End in 1937 and very successful revivals in both London and New York in the 1980s. The show stopper, “The Lambeth Walk”, was the subject of a news story in The Times of October 1938: “While dictators rage and statesmen talk, all Europe dances — to The Lambeth Walk.”


97p – Return to the Forbidden Planet

97p – Return to the Forbidden Planet

A Jukebox musical by director Bob Carlton based on Shakespeare's The Tempest and the 1950s sci-fi film Forbidden Planet (which itself drew its plot loosely from The Tempest). Return to the Forbidden Planet started life with the Bubble Theatre Company as a production for open-air performance in a tent. A revised version of the musical opened, indoors, at the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool in the mid 1980s. It later moved to the Tricycle Theatre in London. After some rework a final version opened the Cambridge Theatre in London's West End in September 1989.


97p – Billy Elliot

97p – Billy Elliot

Music by Elton John and lyrics by Lee Hall based on the smash hit film, Billy Elliot.  Set in the North East of England against the background of the historic 1984/85 miners' strike, Billy pursues his passion for dance in secret to avoid disapproval of his struggling family. The show opened in London in May 2005.


: Polish Post & Royal Mail

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